Self Defense Instructor Sensei Gary Wong

Welcome To Combat Street Defense

For these reasons, Sensei Gary Wong has been a martial arts instructor for 40 years now. During that time, he has been teaching a martial art system and self defense to people of all ages. He is the owner and Instructor of his own martial art school for the last 17 years and during that time has come to several conclusions about people that want to learn self defense.

This platform addresses many of the problems that exists for people that want to learn but have no clear solution. Combat Street Defense is the solution based on the problems that exist in today’s modern society.  Hopefully this is a solution for you and that you join us on the journey.

The Problems of Learning Self Defense

There are a host or reasons why more people aren’t learning how to protect themselves. Most individuals would like to learn how to protect themselves and/or their loved ones. However, most have busy lives and devoting the time to train on a fixed schedule is out of question.

Most people don’t want to learn a full martial art system that takes years or a lifetime to master.

Those learning a martial art systems are taught in a controlled environment, which doesn’t translate well to outside the training area. Likewise many do not place an emphasis on practical application in a street environment. For these reasons, they don’t know how to apply the knowledge that they have learned outside of the training facility.

Other reasons are that there are not enough qualified instructors in the area that people who want to learn so traveling to an expert may be out of the question.

Many individuals cannot afford the cost of quality instruction so they go without.


The Solution

In order to help people feel safe and give them confidence it is necessary to overcome those problems listed above. Combat Street Defence addresses the problems like Time, Place, Quality and Cost.

  • The Time Factor – Train at your own convenience. No issues if you are too busy at work or studying at school you don’t ever have to worry about missing out.
  • The Place Factor – No need to travel to learn. Work, home, school, beach, parking lot, etc… everywhere is your training ground.
  • The Quality Factor – You get an instructor with 40 years of teaching experience to guide you through the movements.
  • The Cost Factor – With a low monthly rate it literally costs you less than a few cups of coffee at your favorite coffee house.

Over years of teaching 1,000’s of students, these problems would need to be rectified in order to have an impact on helping out members in society to live without fear. If you are looking to learn how to defend yourself, you can learn to defend yourself if you are willing to try.

Sign up as member and start training today.

Sensei Gary Wong